The Broad Street Corridor Rapid Transit Study was the first stage of GRTC Broad Street Bus Rapid Transit project. The study activities started in 2010 and concluded in 2014. They included coordination with stakeholder groups, alternatives assessment and development of environmental impact analysis. The following links provide detailed history through the study stage,through the transition to the preliminary design stage in mid-2014, and, finally, design and construction from 2016 to 2018.
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The Broad Street Corridor Rapid Transit project was initiated with a study phase to evaluate different approaches to introducing BRT to Broad Street. A build alternative was developed and presented to the public in October 2010 and again in August 2013. The study team addressed public and stakeholder comments to reach a consensus on the project resulting in development of the recommended alternative.
After that, the study team presented the "recommended alternative" to:
GRTC’s Board of Directors in March 2014
City of Richmond Land Use, Transportation and Housing Committee in April 2014
Two public meetings in May 2014
BRT Project’s Policy Advisory Committee/Technical Advisory Committee in May 2014
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). After a thirty day public comment period it can be considered for approval in the MPO’s August 2014 meeting.
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) determined that the recommended alternative meets the requirements for a categorical exclusion because the project is not expected to have significant negative impact on the environment. GRTC will continue to coordinate efforts with FTA, Virginia Department of Historic Resources and others as planning and design progress. The concerns and questions raised through these meetings shaped the analysis and screening of the recommended alternative resulting in the locally preferred alternative (LPA).
On June 17, 2014, GRTC’s Board of Directors approved GRTC Broad Street Bus Rapid Transit as the LPA. The next step was to issue and award a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services. An RFP for A&E services was issued May 29, 2014. Staff reviewed and scored the proposals, with an award of the A&E contract in September 2014. Thus the BRT project transitioned into the preliminary design phase for which funding of $4 million was already obtained.
After completion of the Broad Street Rapid Transit Study in Spring 2014 and with endorsements and assistance from the Virginia DRPT, the City of Richmond and Henrico County, GRTC Transit System applied for a TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economy Recovery) grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). On September 13, 2014 DOT Secretary, Anthony Foxx awarded GRTC a TIGER grant in the amount of $24.9M. Overall cost of the GRTC BRT Project will be supported with matching funds from the Commonwealth of Virginia, the City of Richmond and Henrico County.
The project team completed the Preliminary Engineering Phase in July 2015. The team began the Semi-Final Design in August 2015 and completed it in October 2015. The Design Build procurement process started in September 2015 and ended in April 2016 with an award to Lane Construction Corporation. Construction began in Summer 2016. Before opening to the public, BRT operations will be tested and accepted. Final BRT operations will begin in 2018.
The project will provide service from Willow Lawn in the west to Rocketts Landing in the east, including fourteen stations and more than three miles of dedicated travel lanes.
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