BRT Study Purpose & Goals

Study Purpose

The study purpose was to identify a package of improvements that would provide rapid, reliable transit service to increase overall mobility and serve existing patterns of transit-oriented development and redevelopment in the corridor. This study sought to identify the transit improvement(s) best able to serve the following key purposes:

  • Increase overall mobility and support GRTC’s Comprehensive Operations Analysis (COA) recommendations for a more efficient and effective organization of transit services.
  • Serve existing patterns of transit-oriented land use and support local plans to generate new transit oriented development (TOD).
  • Provide an attractive alternative to the automobile for east-west travel in terms of time and convenience.
  • Improve the environmental quality of the region and support the attainment of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) air quality goals.

Over the last decade, three transportation decision-makers – GRTC Transit System, Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT), and Richmond Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (RAMPO) -- have worked to devise an integrated strategy for investment in a regional transit infrastructure.

Though the following three reports were completed independently of each other, they are clearly complementary, frequently cross-referencing each other to demonstrate how they support a broader vision. In these plans to upgrade the region’s transit options, Broad Street consistently emerged as a prime candidate for transit improvement, with frequent recommendations that the corridor proceed to the next phase of study.

Study Goals

With assistance from the public, the study team identified improvements that would provide rapid, reliable transit service in order to increase overall mobility in the corridor.



Improve local and regional mobility

  • Increase transit ridership
  • Improve access to the regional transit network
  • Improve transit service in high ridership areas
  • Decrease travel times in the study area
  • Increase transit reliability and on-time performance
  • Minimize negative impact on transit and auto operations in the corridor
  • Increase transportation system productivity (passengers per hour) within the corridor

Support economic development along the corridor

  • Improve transit access to existing and future developments
  • Create connections between transit and centers of employment, education, residence, shopping, culture and entertainment
  • Provide opportunities for joint development of transit stations and facilities

Promote livable, transit-oriented development

  • Provide high-capacity transit facilities at locations where existing and future land uses make them mutually supportive
  • Promote improved pedestrian connectivity between transit services and adjoining land uses
  • Encourage transit usage for different trip types and purposes

Create a multi-modal transportation system with attractive travel choices

  • Create a premium transit route with service characteristics that make it competitive with the private automobile
  • Integrate premium transit service with local bus, bicycle, pedestrian, private automobile and intercity travel modes
  • Provide safe, convenient and attractive transfer facilities
  • Create opportunities for future upgrades or additional premium transit services

Optimize return on public investment

  • Develop cost-effective transit solutions
  • Capitalize on existing local and regional transit facilities and operations
  • Support state, regional and local plans
  • Maximize funding opportunities from state, local, and federal sources

Enhance environmental quality

  • Minimize or mitigate negative impacts to the human and natural environment
  • Contribute to improvements in regional air quality

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