
Labor Day 2024

August 27, 2024


GRTC operates a Sunday schedule with no express service.

On Labor Day, Monday, September 2, 2024, GRTC operates a Sunday schedule. There will be no express service. There is no LINK Microtransit service. All CARE standing reservations are canceled on the holiday, and customers will have to book their trips for that day. To book that trip you will need to call the reservation line at 804-782-2273 within seven (7) days prior to traveling and follow the prompts. You can also fax or email your requests. GRTC’s Administrative Office is closed on the holiday, and there will be no Lost & Found appointments on Labor Day.

GRTC Customer Service is open on a holiday schedule, 8:30 am–6:00 pm, at 804-358-4782. 
