Below is the public record of all staff and contractor cases since the COVID-19 pandemic reached Virginia in 2020. GRTC is committed to transparently communicating about pandemic impacts, both internally with employees and externally with the public.
1st Case: Reported April 6. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
False 2nd Case: Reported April 29, but later determined on May 6 with secondary testing to be a false-positive. Employee was cleared by the Virginia Department of Health and is back at work.
Actual 2nd Case: Initial results reported to GRTC on May 3 as an asymptomatic positive test. Secondary test results received on May 6 confirmed the positive result. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
3rd Case: Initial results reported to GRTC on May 2 as negative test. The GRTC employee, a bus Operator, exhibited symptoms on May 7, was relieved from duty to receive medical attention, was re-tested and was reported positive for COVID-19. Employee was treated in a local hospital due to complications from underlying health conditions. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
4th Case: Initial results reported May 6 as an asymptomatic positive test. The employee, a bus Operator, was on paid sick leave since May 6. Secondary test results were received the afternoon of May 8 and confirmed the positive results. The employee was treated overnight at a local hospital and released. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
5th Case: Contact tracing noted May 7. The employee, a bus Operator, was on paid sick leave since May 8, was tested, and confirmed positive for COVID-19 on May 13. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
6th Case: The employee, a bus Operator, was tested on Sunday, May 24 after experiencing mild symptoms starting on Saturday, May 23. The positive test result was returned on Tuesday, May 26. The employee had not been at work since Monday, May 18. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
7th Case: Confirmed May 27. Case 7 is a part-time bus Operator who had not been at work since May 20. Case 7 has recovered and is back at work.
8th Case: Confirmed May 30. The last time the Operator was on duty was May 27. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
9th Case: Confirmed June 1. The last time the Operator was on duty was May 27. Case 9 was tested on May 28 and received results June 1. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
10th Case: Confirmed June 3. The employee, a bus Operator, is not believed to be connected to any previous staff cases. The last time Case 10 was on duty was May 27; testing occurred on May 30. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
11th Case: Confirmed June 4. The employee, a bus Operator, is not believed to be connected to any previous staff cases. The last time Case 11 was on duty was June 1; testing occurred on June 2. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
12th Case: Confirmed late June 4. The employee is not believed to be connected to any previous staff cases. The last date Case 12 was on duty was June 2; testing occurred on June 4. Case 12 was treated in a hospital because of underlying health conditions. Employee has recovered.
13th Case: Confirmed June 7. The employee is not believed to be connected to any previous staff cases. The last date Case 13 was on duty was June 5; testing occurred on June 5. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
14th Case: Confirmed June 13. The employee, a bus Operator, is not believed to be connected to any previous staff cases. The last date Case 14 was on duty was June 6; testing occurred on June 11. Case 14 is recovered and is back at work.
15th Case: Confirmed July 20. The employee was last on duty at GRTC on July 10. The employee has no public-facing service functions. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
16th Case: Confirmed July 20. The employee is a contractor for GRTC and has no public-facing service functions. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
17th Case: Confirmed July 26. The employee was last on duty at GRTC on July 23. The employee has no public-facing service functions. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
18th Case: Confirmed July 30. This employee is a contractor for GRTC, was last on duty at GRTC on July 23. This employee has public-facing service functions, and this case is not suspected in connection with any other employee or contractor cases. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
19th Case: Confirmed August 18. This employee was last on duty at GRTC on August 15. The employee had public-facing service functions. The employee died from complications caused by the virus on September 23, 2020.
20th Case: Confirmed August 20. This employee was last on duty at GRTC on August 18. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
21st Case: Confirmed September 1. Case #21 is part of the GRTC workforce with public-facing service duties and was last at GRTC on August 28. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
22nd Case: Confirmed September 14. Case #22 is part of the GRTC workforce with public-facing service duties and was last at GRTC on September 9. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
23rd Case: Confirmed September 26. Case #23 is part of the GRTC workforce with public-facing service duties and was last at GRTC on September 21. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
24th Case: Confirmed September 30. Case #24 is part of the GRTC workforce with public-facing service duties and was last at GRTC on September 26. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
25th Case: Confirmed November 6. Case #25 is the 3rd GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 3. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
26th Case: Confirmed November 24. Case #26 is the 23rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 18. The employee has public-facing duties, was treated at a local hospital for complications from COVID-19. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
27th Case: Confirmed November 26. Case #27 is the 24th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 25. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
28th Case: Confirmed November 28. Case #28 is the 25th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 25. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
29th Case: Confirmed November 30. Case #29 is the 26th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 27. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
30th Case: Confirmed November 30. Case #30 is the 27th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 11. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
31st Case: Confirmed December 5. Case #31 is the 28th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 28. The employee has public-facing duties, and was treated at a local hospital for complications from COVID-19. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
32nd Case: Confirmed December 6. Case #32 is the 29th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 4. The employee has public-facing duties. Case #32 is suspected to be connected with Case #31 from outside-of-work social interactions together. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
33rd Case: Confirmed December 6. Case #33 is the 30th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 2. Case #33 is confirmed to have non-work exposure to the virus. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
34th Case: Confirmed December 9. Case #34 is the 31st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 4. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
35th Case: Confirmed December 11. Case #35 is the 32nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 9. The employee has public-facing duties. Cases 36, 37, 39, and 40 are likely related through close contact with Case 35 just prior to the onset of symptoms. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
36th Case: Confirmed December 12. Case #36 is the 33rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 10. The employee has public-facing duties. Cases 36, 37, 39, and 40 are likely related through close contact with Case 35 just prior to the onset of symptoms. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
37th Case: Confirmed December 12. Case #37 is the 34th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 10. The employee has public-facing duties. Cases 36, 37, 39, and 40 are likely related through close contact with Case 35 just prior to the onset of symptoms. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
38th Case: Confirmed December 15. Case #38 is the 35th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 13. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
39th Case: Confirmed December 16. Case #39 is the 36th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 10. The employee has public-facing duties. Cases 36, 37, 39, and 40 are likely related through close contact with Case 35 just prior to the onset of symptoms. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
40th Case: Confirmed December 17. Case #40 is the 37th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 10. The employee has public-facing duties. Cases 36, 37, 39, and 40 are likely related through close contact with Case 35 just prior to the onset of symptoms. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
41st Case: Confirmed to GRTC on December 22. Case #41, the 38th GRTC employee to test positive, had non-public facing job duties and was last at GRTC on December 10, 2020. Case #41 tested positive for the virus on December 17. They were admitted to a local hospital on December 22 and died on January 9, 2021.
42nd Case: Confirmed December 24. Case #42 is the 39th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 18. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
43rd Case: Confirmed December 26. Case #43 is the 4th GRTC Contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 23. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
44th Case: Confirmed December 28. Case #44 is the 40th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 24. The employee has no public-facing duties and had a one-day hospitalization. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
45th Case: Confirmed December 28. Case #45 is the 41st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 19. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
46th Case: Confirmed December 30. Case #46 is the 42nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 29. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
47th Case: Confirmed late December 30. Case #47 is the 43rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 30. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
48th Case: Confirmed January 2. Case #48 is the 44th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 23. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
49th Case: Confirmed January 4. Case #49 is the 45th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 15. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
50th Case: Confirmed January 4. Case #50 is the 46th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 30. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
51st Case: Confirmed January 6. Case #51 is the 47th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 22. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
52nd Case: Confirmed January 9. Case #52 is the 48th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 8. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
53rd Case: Confirmed January 9. Case #53 is the 49th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 6. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
54th Case: Confirmed January 16. Case #54 is the 50th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 9. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
55th Case: Confirmed January 19. Case #55 is the 51st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 14. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
56th Case: Confirmed January 19. Case #56 is the 5th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 14. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
57th Case: Confirmed January 19. Case #57 is the 52nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 18. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
58th Case: Confirmed January 27. Case #58 is the 53rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 25. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
59th Case: Confirmed January 29. Case #59 is the 54th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 23. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
60th Case: Confirmed January 29. Case #60 is the 55th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 21. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
61st Case: Confirmed January 31. Case #61 is the 56th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 27. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
62nd Case: Confirmed February 1. Case #62 is the 57th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 30. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered.
63rd Case: Confirmed February 9. Case #63 is the 58th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 28. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
64th Case: Confirmed February 19. Case #64 is the 59th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on February 19. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
65th Case: Confirmed February 21. Case #65 is the 60th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on February 20. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
66th Case: Confirmed February 24. Case #66 is the 61st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on February 13. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
67th Case: Confirmed March 17. Case #67 is the 62nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on March 13. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
68th Case: Confirmed March 23. Case #68 is the 63rd GRTC employee to test positive and has not been at GRTC for several months. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
69th Case: Confirmed April 7. Case #69 is the first known reinfection of a previous positive COVID-19 case among its workforce. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
70th Case: Confirmed April 15. Case #70 is the 64th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work on April 13. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
71st Case: Confirmed April 22. Case #71 is the 6th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at work on April 17. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
72nd Case: Confirmed May 11. Case #72 is the 65th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work on May 5. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
73rd Case: Confirmed July 13. Case #73 is the 66th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work on July 2. The employee has no recent public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
74th Case: Confirmed July 29. Case #74 is the 67th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work on July 21. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
75th Case: Confirmed August 19. Case #75 is the 68th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work on August 11. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
76th Case: Confirmed August 21. Case #76 is the 69th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work on August 17. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
77th Case: Confirmed August 23. Case #77 is the 7th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 20. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
78th Case: Confirmed August 30. Case #78 is the 70th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work on August 11. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
79th Case: Confirmed August 30. Case #79 is the 71st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work August 23, 2021. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
80th Case: Confirmed September 6. Case #80 is the 72nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work September 4, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
81st Case: Confirmed September 6. Case #81 is the 73rd GRTC employee to test positive. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee is recovered.
82nd Case: Confirmed September 6. Case #82 is the 74th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work September 1, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
83rd Case: Confirmed September 6. Case #83 is the 75th GRTC employee to test positive. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
84th Case: Confirmed September 11. Case #83 is the 76th GRTC employee to test positive. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
85th Case: Confirmed September 14. Case #85 is the 8th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on September 11, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
86th Case: Confirmed September 20. Case #86 is the 77th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work on September 17, 2021. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
87th Case: Confirmed September 20. Case #87 is the 78th GRTC employee to test positive. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
88th Case: Confirmed September 21. Case #88 is the 9th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on September 11, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
89th Case: Confirmed September 29. Case #89 is the 79th GRTC employee to test positive. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
90th Case: Confirmed September 30. Case #90 is the 10th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on September 26, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
91st Case: Confirmed October 6. Case #91 is the 11th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on September 30, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
92nd Case: Confirmed October 10. Case #92 is the 80th GRTC employee to test positive. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
93rd Case: Confirmed October 21. Case #93 is the 12th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on October 15, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
94th Case: Confirmed November 2. Case #94 is the 81st GRTC employee to test positive. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
95th Case: Confirmed November 6. Case #95 is the 82nd GRTC employee to test positive. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered.
96th Case: Confirmed November 19. Case #96 is the 13th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 17, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
97th Case: Confirmed November 21. Case #97 is the 83rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 12, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
98th Case: Confirmed December 11, 2021. Case #98 is the 84th employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 7, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
99th Case: Confirmed December 21, 2021. Case #99 is the 85th employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 19, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
100th Case: Confirmed December 24, 2021. Case #100 is the 14th GRTC contractor to test positive. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
101st Case: Confirmed December 27, 2021. Case #101 is the 86th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 25, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
102nd Case: Confirmed December 28, 2021. Case #102 is the 15th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 24, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
103rd Case: Confirmed December 29, 2021. Case #103 is the 87th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 28, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
104th Case: Confirmed December 30, 2021. Case #104 is the 88th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 27, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
105th Case: Confirmed January 3, 2022. Case #105 is the 16th contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 29, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
106th Case: Confirmed January 3, 2022. Case #106 is the 17th contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 30, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
107th Case: Confirmed January 3, 2022. Case #107 is the 89th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 30, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
108th Case: Confirmed January 3, 2022. Case #108 is the 90th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 30, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
109th Case: Confirmed January 3, 2022. Case #109 is the 91st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 2, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
110th Case: Confirmed January 4, 2022. Case #110 is the 18th contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 29, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
111th Case: Confirmed January 4, 2022. Case #111 is the 19th contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 1, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
112th Case: Confirmed January 4, 2022. Case #112 is the 92nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 1, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered.
113th Case: Confirmed January 4, 2022. Case #113 is the 93rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 3, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
114th Case: Confirmed January 6, 2022. Case #114 is the 94th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 31, 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
115th Case: Confirmed January 6, 2022. Case #115 is the 95th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 2, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
116th Case: Confirmed January 7, 2022. Case #116 is the 20th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 1, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
117th Case: Confirmed January 7, 2022. Case #117 is the 96th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 4, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
118th Case: Confirmed January 10, 2022. Case #118 is the 21st GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 7, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
119th Case: Confirmed January 10, 2022. Case #119 is the 97th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 4, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
120th Case: Confirmed January 10, 2022. Case #120 is the 98th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 4, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
121st Case: Confirmed January 10, 2022. Case #121 is the 99th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 7, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
122nd Case: Confirmed January 11, 2022. Case #122 is the 100th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 10, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties.Employee has recovered and is at work.
123rd Case: Confirmed January 11, 2022. Case #123 is the 101st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 10, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
124th Case: Confirmed January 11, 2022. Case #124 is the 22nd GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 2, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
125th Case: Confirmed January 12, 2022. Case #125 is the 102nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 4, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
126th Case: Confirmed January 12, 2022. Case #126 is the 23rd GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 10, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
127th Case: Confirmed January 13, 2022. Case #127 is the 103rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 9, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
128th Case: Confirmed January 14, 2022. Case #128 is the 104th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 7, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
129th Case: Confirmed January 14, 2022. Case #129 is the 24th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 12, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
130th Case: Confirmed January 15, 2022. Case #130 is the 105th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 10, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties.Employee has recovered and is at work.
131st Case: Confirmed January 16, 2022. Case #131 is the 25th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 14, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
132nd Case: Confirmed January 17, 2022. Case #132 is the 106th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 14, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
133rd Case: Confirmed January 18, 2022. Case #133 is the 107th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 30, 2021. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
134th Case: Confirmed January 18, 2022. Case #134 is the 108th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 14, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
135th Case: Confirmed January 18, 2022. Case #135 is the 109th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 6, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
136th Case: Confirmed January 19, 2022. Case #136 is the 110th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 18, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
137th Case: Confirmed January 19, 2022. Case #137 is the 111th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 19, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
138th Case: Confirmed January 19, 2022. Case #138 is the 26th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 15, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is back at work.
139th Case: Confirmed December 31, 2021. Case #139 is the 112th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 30, 2021. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
140th Case: Confirmed January 21, 2022. Case #140 is the 113th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 11, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
141st Case: Confirmed December 2021. Case #141 is the 114th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC in December 2021. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
142nd Case: Confirmed January 18, 2022. Case #142 is the 115th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 18, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
143rd Case: Confirmed January 24, 2022. Case #143 is the 116th GRTC employee to test positive. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
144th Case: Confirmed January 25, 2022. Case #144 is the 117th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 10, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
145th Case: Confirmed January 25, 2022. Case #145 is the 118th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 22, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
146th Case: Confirmed January 30, 2022. Case #146 is the 119th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 28, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
147th Case: Confirmed January 31, 2022. Case #147 is the 120th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 28, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
148th Case: Confirmed February 4, 2022. Case #148 is the 121st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC in January 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
149th Case: Confirmed February 6, 2022. Case #149 is the 122nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on February 4, 2022. The employee has no public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
150th Case: Confirmed February 9, 2022. Case #150 is the 123rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on February 1, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
151st Case: Confirmed February 10, 2022. Case #151 is the 124th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on February 9, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
152th Case: Confirmed March 9, 2022. Case #152 is the 125th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on March 9, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
153th Case: Confirmed April 29, 2022. Case #153 is the 126th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on April 28, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
154th Case: Confirmed May 4, 2022. Case #154 is the 127th GRTC employee to test postive and was last at GRTC on May 3, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
155th Case: Confirmed May 12, 2022. Case #155 is the 128th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on May 10, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
156th Case: Confirmed May 18, 2022. Case #156 is the 27th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on May 14, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
157th Case: Confirmed May 18, 2022. Case #157 is the 129th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on May 6, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
158th Case: Confirmed May 20,2022. Case #158 is the 130th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on May 19, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
159th Case: Confirmed May 21, 2022. Case #159 is the 131st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on May 20, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
160th Case: Confirmed May 24, 2022. Case #160 is the 132nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on May 23, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
161st Case: Confirmed May 24, 2022. Case #161 is the 133rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work on May 21, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
162nd Case: Confirmed May 24, 2022. Case #162 is the 134th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work on May 18, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and it at work..
163rd Case: Confirmed May 24, 2022. Case #163 is the 28th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on May 24, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
164th Case: Confirmed May 26, 2022. Case #164 is the 135th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at work on May 9, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
165th Case: Confirmed May 28, 2022. Case 165th is the 29th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on May 27, 2022. The employee has publc-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
166th Case: Confirmed May 31, 2022. Case 166th is the 30th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on May 27, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and is at work.
167th Case: Confirmed June 2, 2022. Case 167th is the 136th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on June 1, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work.
168th Case: Confirmed June 3, 2022. Case 168th is the 137th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on June 2, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work.
169th Case: Confirmed June 3, 2022. Case 169th is the 138th GRTC emloyee to test positive and was last at GRTC on May 27, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work.
170th Case: Confirmed June 8, 2022. Case 170th is the 139th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on June 4, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work.
171st Case: Confirmed June 22, 2022. Case 171th is the 31st GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on June 20, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work.
172nd Case: Confirmed June 27, 2022. Case 172nd is the 140th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on June 22, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work.
173rd Case: Confirmed June 27, 2022. Case 173rd is the 32nd GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on June 25, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work.
174th Case: Confirmed July 6, 2022. Case 174th is the 141st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on June 29, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work. .
175th Case: Confirmed July 11, 2022. Case 175th is the 142nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on July 7, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work..
176th Case: Confirmed July 14, 2022. Case 176th is the 143rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on July 13, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work.
177th Case: Confirmed July 15, 2022. Case 177th is the 144th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on July 8, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work.
178th Case: Confirmed July 20, 2022. Case 178th is the 145th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on July 19, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work.
179th Case: Confirmed July 20, 2022. Case 179th is the 146th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on July 15, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work.
180th Case: Confirmed July 21, 2022. Case 180th is the 147th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on July 20, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. Employee has recovered and returned to work.
181st Case: Confirmed July 27, 2022. Case 181st is the 148th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on July 25, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
182nd Case: Confirmed July 27, 2022. Case 182nd is the 149th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on July 26, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
183rd Case: Confirmed July 29, 2022. Case 183rd is the 150th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on July 28, 2022. The employee does not have publc-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
184th Case: Confirmed August 1, 2022. Case 184th is the 151st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on July 29, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
185th Case: Confirmed August 1, 2022. Case 185th is the 152nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on July 31, 2022. The employee has public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to wok.
186th Case: Confirmed August 5, 2022. Case 186th is the 153rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 3, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
187th Case: Confirmed August 5, 2022. Case 187th is the 154th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 3, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
188th Case: Confirmed August 5, 2022. Case 188th is the 155th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on July 29, 2022. The employee does not have public -facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
189th Case: Confirmed August 8, 2022. Case 189th is the 156th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 4, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
190th Case: Confirmed August 8, 2022. Case 190th is the 157th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 7, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
191st Case: Confirmed August 8, 2022. Case 191st is the 158th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 5, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
192nd Case: Confirmed August 11, 2022. Case 192nd is the 33rd GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 10, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
193rd Case: Confirmed August 15, 2022. Case 193rd is the 159th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 13, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
194th Case: Confirmed August 17, 2022. Case 194th is the 160th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 15, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
195th Case: Confirmed August 18, 2022. Case 195th is the 161st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 9, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
196th Case: Confirmed August 24, 2022. Case 196th is the 162nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 12, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
197th Case: Confirmed August 24, 2022. Case 197th is the 163rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 13, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
198th Case: Confirmed August 24, 2022. Case 198th is the 164th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 22, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
199th Case: Confirmed August 25, 2022. Case 199th is the 165th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 22, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
200th Case: Confirmed August 30, 2022. Case 200th is the 166th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 29, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
201th Case: Confirmed September 1, 2022. Case 201th is the 167th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 31, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
202nd Case: Confirmed September 6, 2022. Case 202nd is the 34th GRTC contractor to test positive and was last at GRTC on August 31, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
203rd Case: Confirmed September 6, 2022. Case 203rd is the 168th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on September 3, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
204th Case: Confirmed September 23, 2022. Case 204th is the 169th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on September 22, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
205th Case: Confirmed September 27, 2022. Case 205th is the 170th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on September 22, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
206th Case: Confirmed September 29, 2022. Case 206th is the 171st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on September 23, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
207th Case: Confirmed October 12, 2022. Case 207th is the 172nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on October 11, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
208th Case: Confirmed October 27, 2022. Case 208th is the 173rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on October 25, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
209th Case: Confirmed November 5, 2022. Case 209th is the 174th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 5, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
210th Case: Confirmed November 16, 2022. Case 210th is the 175th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 15, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
211th Case: Confirmed November 17, 2022. Case 211th is the 176th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 10, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
212th Case: Confirmed December 1, 2022. Case 212th is the 177th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on November 29, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
213th Case: Confirmed December 7, 2022. Case 213th is the 178th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 6, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
214th Case: Confirmed December 19, 2022. Case 214th is the 179th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 15, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
215th Case: Confirmed Decemeber 28, 2022. Case 215th is the 180th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 16, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
216th Case: Confirmed December 29, 2022. Case 216th is the 181st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 16, 2022. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work
217th Case: Confirmed December 29, 2022. Case 217th is the 182nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 28, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
218th Case: Confirmed December 30, 2022. Case 218th is the 183rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 28, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
219th Case: Confirmed January 1, 2023. Case 219th is the 184th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on December 28, 2022. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
220th Case: Confirmed January 21, 2023. Case 220th is the 185th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 20, 2023. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
221st Case: Confirmed January 25, 2023. Case 221st is the 186th GRTC employee test positive and was last at GRTC on January 22, 2023. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
222nd Case: Confirmed January 31, 2023. Case 222nd is the 187th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 30, 2023. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
223rd Case: Confirmed January 31, 2023. Case 223rd is the 188th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 29, 2023. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
224th Case: Confirmed February 6, 2023. Case 224th is the 189th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on January 31, 2023. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
225th Case: Confirmed February 10, 2023. Case 225th is the 190th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on February 2, 2023. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
226th Case: Confirmed February 13, 2023. Case 226th is the 191st GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on February 8, 2023. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
227th Case: Confirmed February 13, 2023. Case 227th is the 192nd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on February 9, 2023. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
228th Case: Confirmed March 20, 2023. Case 228th is the 193rd GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on March 19, 2023. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
229th Case: Confirmed April 10, 2023. Case 229th is the 194th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on March 31, 2023. The employee does have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
230th Case: Confirmed April 18, 2023. Case 230th is the 195th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on April 14, 2023. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee has recovered and returned to work.
231st Case: Confirmed May 12, 2023. Case 231st is the 196th GRTC employee to test positive and was last at GRTC on May 5, 2023. The employee does not have public-facing duties. The employee is recovering at home.