GRTC Awards CARE Service Provider Contract

Today GRTC signed a new contract with CARE service provider First Transit, Inc., which will take effect Friday, December 1, 2017. GRTC’s Board of Directors voted in their regular business meeting September 19, 2017 to authorize GRTC to award the paratransit services contract to First Transit, Inc. for a three-year term with four one-year options for renewal. CARE and C-VAN are specialized transportation services that have been provided by First Transit, Inc. on behalf of GRTC since April 30, 2017.

Because there will be no change in the service provider between contracts, customers and staff will experience smooth and continuous service. After a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process, GRTC is confident partnering with First Transit is the best path forward to continue improving the CARE/C-VAN customer experience. There will not be any change in fares.

Drivers currently employed by First Transit will continue seamlessly onto the new contract with First Transit, without any gap in benefits. These employees provide a crucial service to the communities we serve, and GRTC is committed to ensuring the drivers are comfortable and confident, providing exceptional customer service. 
