One New GRTC COVID-19 Case June 5
June 05, 2020
Press Releases
For Immediate Release
June 5, 2020
For more information, contact:
CARRIE ROSE PACE – (804) 516-4148 –
One New GRTC COVID-19 Case
12 total cases since March; voluntary on-site employee testing begins Monday.
RICHMOND, Va. (June 5, 2020) – GRTC received confirmation late yesterday of its 12th employee case of COVID-19 in ten weeks. The employee is not believed to be connected to any previous staff cases. The last date Case 12 was on duty was June 2; testing occurred on June 4. Case 12 is currently being treated in a hospital because of underlying health conditions.
The twelve confirmed cases appear to be largely unrelated to each other and are spread over the past 10 weeks. As GRTC is informed of each potential or confirmed case, all identified staff who may have been in contact with the suspected or confirmed case are notified, quarantined, and tested in accordance with guidance from the Virginia Department of Health. The full list of confirmed cases is available online.
GRTC Chief Executive Officer Julie Timm says, “My thoughts are with our employees and their families who are still fighting from serious complications associated with COVID-19. Hundreds of our staff have already been tested, some more than once. We continue to encourage testing and repeat testing with paid-quarantines for our front-line workforce as they continue to support the community by maintaining essential mobility services during the COVID pandemic.”
Beginning June 8, voluntary, on-site COVID-19 testing will be conducted by SecureHealth, a regionally owned and operated urgent care provider, with up to 200 tests possible per testing day. All COVID-19 testing, both on-site and elsewhere, continues to be paid for by GRTC on behalf of employees.
For the most complete and latest GRTC updates during this pandemic, please visit our website.
GRTC is a public service corporation providing mobility services in the Greater Richmond area. GRTC’s current operational budget of $53.9M primarily funds daily mobility operations and vehicle maintenance. GRTC provides more than 9.25 million trips annually.