Welcome aboard GRTC! Please observe the following Rules of Riding GRTC while on-board, at any bus shelter or stop, or on any GRTC property.
If you violate these rules or other federal, state or local laws on or at a GRTC vehicle or property, GRTC personnel and partner agencies are authorized to evict you from the bus/property and/or ban you from riding and/or being allowed on GRTC property for a specific period of time. You may receive verbal notice or written notice of suspension or expulsion from GRTC personnel or its partner agencies.
Failure to comply with either may subject you to loss of riding privileges, arrest and/or prosecution for criminal trespass.
- No assaulting a GRTC employee, as you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, which could result in a felony charge and possible jail time.
- No fighting, mock fighting, or roughhousing.
- No weapons of any kind, except as permitted by law.
- No possession or use of alcohol or illegal substances.
- No vandalism or graffiti.
- No panhandling, soliciting, harassing, annoying or intimidating any person.
- No tampering with equipment.
- No hazardous, explosive or corrosive materials, including gasoline containers.
- No disorderly, loud, or disruptive behavior.
- No use/lighting/smoking of any tobacco products or electronic cigarettes or vapes.
- No obscene, threatening, inciting, or insulting language or gestures.
- No running, yelling, or throwing objects.
- No spitting, littering, picking trash from receptacles.
- All personal items must fit within your personal space on GRTC buses, either in your lap or at your feet:
- Please collapse and store strollers or car seats.
- Please collapse and store shopping carts.
- Blocking aisles and using additional seat space for carry-on items is not permitted.
- This rule includes, but is not limited to, share scooters and bicycles (bicycle storage is available on the front storage rack on buses).
- New Stroller Policy (Effective 11/3/2024): GRTC buses permit strollers carrying children, but strollers without children cannot be accommodated.
- Strollers should be parked in the ADA seating area, ensuring they do not block aisleways or obstruct emergency exits.
- The wheels must be locked, and passengers must maintain control of strollers and children at all times.
- If the ADA area is requested by an ADA passenger or is already occupied, the stroller must be folded and stored, with the child secured by the parent or guardian on their lap or in an adjacent seat.
- No standing, sitting, or walking in a way that inconveniences, obstructs, or interferes with others (for example, blocking doors, feet on seats, obstructing stairs, corridors, platforms, stations, etc.).
- No other actions that may interfere with or disrupt the operators or passengers.
- No use of radios, digital/CD players, or other sound-producing devices without the use of personal headphones (sound must be limited to the individual user).
- No disruptively loud phone conversations (sound must be limited to the individual user).
- No bicycling, rollerblading, or skateboarding onboard or in stop/station areas.
- No wearing skates/rollerblades on any vehicle.
- No animals, except those used as ADA service animals, or an animal, bird, etc. that is contained and will not be offensive or hazardous to other passengers.
- Do not leave bags unattended.
- No eating or drinking on GRTC vehicles (groceries, drinks with caps/lids and closed food bags are permitted).
- Shirts, pants/shorts/skirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
- No posting of any materials.
- GRTC IDs are not transferable and may be deactivated if misused.
- No other acts prohibited by law.
If you have questions about the rules of riding, please contact us: