CARE Advisory Committee (CAC)

CAC Meetings shall be held quarterly, on the third Thursday of the month at GRTC Headquarters located at GRTC Transit System, 301 East Belt Blvd, Richmond, VA 23224. All GRTC public meetings are CANCELED in response to COVID-19 until further notice.

Recently Approved Meeting Minutes:


The purpose of the CARE Advisory Committee; hereafter referred to as CAC, is to provide a customer based communication link between GRTC Transit System; hereafter referred to as GRTC, and individuals with disabilities who use GRTC’s Paratransit Service; hereafter referred to as CARE, on matters related to CARE service.

CAC shall not have any direct or in-direct line of authority.  CAC shall not have any legal fiduciary responsibility or authority over GRTC.


CAC’s mission is simple.  CAC shall advocate and assist in seeking resolutions and provide cost effective suggestions for improvements and enhancements of CARE.


Members shall be classified as customers.  A “customer” is an individual or parent, guardian or caregiver of an individual with a disability who is certified eligible for ADA Paratransit Service and has been using the Paratransit Service provided by GRTC known as CARE, during the past six months. A "customer" may also be a representative from destinations frequented by CARE clients.

  • Voting Members
    • Voting Members shall be classified as “customers”  (as described under “Membership”).
  • Non-Voting Members
    • Non-Voting Members shall consist of:
      • GRTC Chief of Transit Operations
        • shall serve as the CAC Meeting Facilitator, Liaison and Resource
      • One Representatives of the service contractor for CARE Service
        • shall serve as a Resource and provide CARE Operational, Complaint and Commendation Reports
        • shall be appointed by the contractor
      • One Representative of the Elderly and Disabled Advisory Committee (EDAC) to the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPO)
        • shall provide transportation information involving and of interest to EDAC
        • shall be appointed by EDAC


a.   Members shall provide sound advice and input

b.   Members shall share their knowledge, experiences and expertise

c.   Members shall consistently represent the population of individuals with disabilities in a professional manner

d.   Members shall respectfully participate in CAC discussions

e.   Members shall demonstrate respect for suggestions and opinions of others

f.    Members shall accurately share information with their communities, civil and consumer organizations

g.   Members shall consistently project a positive image of CAC


There shall be no more than five (5) Directors of CAC.  Directors shall be voting members (as described under “Membership”) and shall consist of Chairperson/Director, Vice Chairperson/Director and three (3) Directors totaling no more than five (5) Directors. 

Election of Directors

CAC Directors shall be elected by the voting members during the annual meeting.  CAC voting members shall vote for directors via absentee or in-person voting.  No members shall be allowed to vote via telephone or any other means.

a.   The five (5) Directors shall be elected during the Annual Meeting by the entire membership

b.   The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall be appointed, by the newly elected Directors, during the annual meeting. 

Directors’ Terms of Office

a.   Directors’ terms of office shall be one (1) year.

b.   Directors shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms as Chairperson or Vice Chairperson.

c.   Directors shall serve no more than three (3) consecutive terms as a Director.

d.   In the event the Chairperson/Director is unable to complete their term, the Vice Chairperson/Director shall become the Chairperson/Director and complete the term.

e.   In the event the Vice Chairperson/Director is unable to complete their term, the current/sitting Directors shall appoint a current/sitting Director to become Vice Chairperson/Director to complete the term.

f.    In the event any Director, excluding the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, is unable to complete their term as Director, the position shall remain vacant until the next annual meeting.

g.   If the uncompleted term is less than six (6) months, the uncompleted term shall not qualify as a term of office for the successor.  Therefore, the successor may be elected to serve two (2) consecutive terms as Chairperson or Vice Chairperson.  Also, the successor may be elected to serve three (3) consecutive terms as a Director.

Directors’ Duties

a.   Directors shall attend all scheduled meetings of CAC. 

b.   Directors of CAC shall consistently conduct CAC business professionally, respectfully and in a timely manner.

Chairpersons’ Duties

a.   To preside at all CAC meetings

b.   Vote in the event of a tie vote

c.   In coordination with the GRTC Chief of Transit Operations, develop the Meeting Agendas.

Vice Chairpersons’ Duties

a.   To perform the duties of the Chairperson in their absence

b.   To perform other duties as assigned by the Chairperson 


Customers, as described under “Membership”, interested in serving as a Director of CAC must contact the GRTC Chief of Transit Operations at 804-474-9342 or email  All customers interested in serving as a Director of CAC shall submit a written or oral outline/resume of their qualifications to the GRTC Chief of Transit Operations.

The GRTC Chief of Transit Operations shall prepare and present a slate of qualified candidates at the CAC Annual Meeting for the voting membership to act.


CAC Meetings shall be held quarterly, on the third Thursday of the month at GRTC Headquarters located at GRTC Transit System, 301 East Belt Blvd, Richmond, VA 23224, during the following months and times: 

February - 10 am until Noon
- 6 pm until 8 pm
August - 6 pm until 8 pm
(Annual Meeting) - 10 am until Noon

Annual Meeting

The CAC Annual Meeting shall be held in November of each year.


a.   The Chairperson or Vice Chairperson must be present in-person.  CAC Meetings shall not be chaired via telephone.

b.   Any Director who fails to attend two consecutive meetings may be removed from the office of Director by the GRTC Chief of Transit Operations and current/sitting CAC Directors.

c.   A record of attendance shall be maintained by GRTC Chief of Transit Operations.

Public Comments Period

Public comments during the CAC meetings shall be limited to two minutes per individual per meeting.

Meeting Cancelations

CAC meetings may be canceled due to inclement weather, internal or external variables beyond the control of GRTC.  Cancelation notices shall be provided verbally via the CARE phone line at 804.782.2273.

Special Meetings

A special meeting may be called by the Chief of Transit Operations and the current/sitting CAC Chairperson or CAC Vice Chairperson.  CAC Members and the general public shall be given ten business days’ notice, written and verbal, via GRTC Website ( and the CARE phone line at 804.782.2273. The notice shall set forth items to be considered and no other items shall be considered during the Special Meetings.  Special Meetings are open to the public.

Access to Meetings

All CAC Meetings shall be open to the public.  No individual shall be denied access to CAC Meetings unless that individual is disruptive or otherwise prevents or impedes the business of CAC.

Transportation to and from CAC Meetings

The five (5) Directors of CAC and any Henrico County customers may be transported to and from CAC meetings, by CARE, at no cost.  All other CAC Members, guests and visitors transported to and from CAC meetings by CARE, shall pay one CARE Ticket each way.


A quorum for transaction of business shall be constituted by voting members present, in-person.  CAC voting members must attend meetings in-person in order to vote excluding elections voting during the Annual Meeting in May. 


Unless otherwise specified, a simple majority vote of voting members present, in-person (excluding elections), shall be required to approve any properly seconded motion of CAC.

a.   Only Directors shall make motions

b.   Only Directors shall second motions

c.   All CAC Voting Members shall have one (1) vote.  There shall be no exceptions.

d.   CAC voting members must attend meetings in-person in order to vote excluding elections during the Annual Meeting in May.

e.   CAC members may vote for directors via absentee or in-person.  No members shall be allowed to vote via telephone or any other means.

Absentee Ballots

Absentee Ballots shall only be accepted for Election Voting during the Annual Meeting in May.  There shall be no other exceptions.

a.   Absentee Ballots shall be valid only if received or postmarked seven (7) days prior to the Annual Meeting.  There shall be no exceptions.

b.   Absentee Ballots shall only be accepted in two (2) formats.

a.   Electronic Format via e-mail; No text messages will be accepted.

b.   Typed/Written mailed or hand delivered

Absentee Ballots Must Include the Following Information.

  • Your Name
  • Your Address
  • Your Telephone Number

No more than five (5) individuals, who are customers (as described under “Membership”), whom you are voting for to serve as CAC Directors.

  • Members shall be classified as customers.  A “customer” is an individual or parent, guardian or caregiver of an individual with a disability who is certified eligible for ADA Paratransit Service and has been using the Paratransit Service provided by GRTC known as CARE, during the past six months. 


Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the business procedure of CAC in all matters not addressed in these Guidelines.