The corridor study has concluded, and GRTC has moved onto conceptual design. For information about that and other Pulse projects, click here:
This content is no longer being updated, but has been maintained for project records.
Building a second Pulse: GRTC advances into stage 2 of development on a North/South Bus Rapid Transit Line.
Following six months of intensive study, outreach, and public engagement, GRTC has selected a corridor for further development. This new corridor, which has been designed to connect fro Henrico to Chesterfield via Richmond, runs along Chamberlayne, through Downtown, and serves southside Richmond via Hull Street and Belt Blvd before travelling down Midlothian Turnpike to serve riders into Chesterfield. This corridor was designated the locally preferred alignment and approved by the GRTC Board of Directors on October 12. That vote moves the project to the next phase, which will involve determining specific route options, environmental clearance, and 30 percent design.
The timeline identified by consultants predicts an additional 3 years of project development followed by 2 years of design and funding commitments, with construction penciled in for 2029. Given the complexity of the project and level of public investment, additional outreach will be conducted throughout the process, and the time frame remains subject to changes based on any number of factors.
Initial Study Background & Materials
GRTC is planning the future of high-capacity transit in the Richmond Region. Building on the success of Pulse’s Broad Street route, GRTC is studying potential corridors for a second route running from north to south and connecting to the Broad Street route in Downtown Richmond. GRTC is coordinating with the City of Richmond, Henrico County, and Chesterfield County to determine a route that optimizes regional ridership, accessibility, and equity. This project focuses on getting to an alignment that makes sense as a next step in growing Richmond’s BRT network.
The study area includes U.S. 1 between Virginia Center Commons and Chester, U.S. 60 from Downtown Richmond to Westchester Commons, and U.S. 360 from Downtown Richmond to Commonwealth Center Parkway. GRTC will evaluate how this north-south route will cross the James River, using either the Route 1 Bridge, the Manchester Bridge, or the Mayo Bridge. The ultimate recommendation at the end of this step of the planning process will be a potential north-south BRT alignment along some combination of the corridors being studied. The decision on where to start first will help us as we move forward with funding and design of the potential route.
This step of the planning process is just the first in a series of steps that must be approved before actual construction of the project can begin. Once an alternative is selected, GRTC will begin the environmental review process, and develop cost and ridership estimates. GRTC will conduct public outreach at each step in the process.
Story Map
To learn more about the study and help us plan this new north-south line, click through the following Story Map
Study Fact Sheet